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You are viewing Cheat Codes for Elder Scrolls, The : Daggerfall

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Game Name : Elder Scrolls, The : Daggerfall
System : PC - Windows
Date Added : 2005-05-31 23:03:38
Views : 24482

Enable cheat mode:
Note: This procedure involves editing a game file; create a backup copy of the file before proceeding. Use a text editor to edit the "z.cfg" file in the "daggerfall" directory. Add the line cheatmode 1 to the file.

Repair magic items:
Note: This procedure involves editing a game file; create a backup copy of the file before proceeding. Use a text editor to edit the "z.cfg" file in the "daggerfall" directory. Add the line magicrepair 1 to the file.

Increase stats (alternate):
Press [F5] to display the stats screen. Click on a stat and position the mouse to where the bonus point icon usually appears. Click where the up arrow usually appears to add up to six points to the selected stat. Exit the screen and repeat this procedure to add more points. Note: This code may only be enabled on the original version of the game.

Cycle through quest locations:
Press Left Bracket or Right Bracket.

God mode:
Press [Ctrl] + [F4] while in a dungeon to toggle God mode.

Return to last position:
Press [Al + [F11] to return to the last location where your character was standing. Press this key combination several times if your character falls into a pit.

Increase stats:
Press [Plus] to increase all stats by 1.

Create a directory named "pics" in the "dagger" directory. Press \ to save up to ten screenshots.

Rob store:
Enter a store and wait until it closes. The shop keeper should disappear. Examine the shelves to remove the items.

Activate all maps:
Press [Ctrl] + [F1].

Travel six times faster:
Press 1.

Steal and sell:
Enter a store and wait until night. When it is night, and the shop keeper is still there, examine the shelves to check what is in the store. To steal an item, make sure the side screen has the "Equip" option. Choose the desired items and equip them. Then, approach the store keeper and click on him. This allows you to sell the items that were just stolen without being arrested.

Increase reputation:
Press [Minus] to increase your reputation in all skills by 5.

5000 gold:
Press [Ctrl] + [F9].

Easy spells:
Type $ as the first character of a spell name to only expend 25% of normal when casting. Type ! as the first character of a spell name to expend 0% of normal, but with a limit of casting the spell only once a day.

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Elder Scrolls, The : Daggerfall Cheats at A Cheat Codes
Elder Scrolls, The : Daggerfall Cheat Codes at Cheat Patch
Elder Scrolls, The : Daggerfall Cheat Codes at Cheat Mad
Elder Scrolls, The : Daggerfall Cheat Codes at Game Score

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